Award-winning, Socially conscious Organic Honey


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Please don’t worry; its completely normal for natural honey to crystallise.  It just means that the natural glucose has separated from other sugars in the honey. This often happens in low temperatures. 

To soften your honey, just place the jar with the lid still on in a bowl of hot water.  The heat will slowly dissolve the crystals and the honey will soon be runny again.

At Kendake Honey we want everything to be top notch, so we upgraded our labels to match the quality of our product.  We’ve always been committed to providing you with the highest quality honey.  Nothing has changed here.  We simply wanted a better look.

No, Kendake Honey isn’t pasteurised.  Preserving the antioxidants and nutrients in our honey is important to us.  We also
think pasteurisation destroys the unique flavour of our honey.  

Your 100% natural honey may crystallise but it should never expire because it is unadulterated and retains its content of natural sugars. There are expiry dates on all of our products which acts as a guide.

Please store your Kendake Honey at room temperature, in a dry place, even after opening.  Ensure that the jar is securely sealed. 

You should not give natural honey to infants under one year old.  This is because of the rare possibility of infection with the bacteria that causes botulism (Clostridium botulinum). Older children’s digestive systems are more developed, and can handle this bacteria.

Bees are incredibly important to life on earth.  They pollinate our flowers and the food we grow, and of course they give us honey. As they fly from flower to flower, they collect pollen and nectar through a tube called a proboscis.  They store the nectar in their special ‘honey stomach’ and fly back to the hive to pass it on to the worker bees.  The worker bees chew up the nectar to make honey, which they then store in honeycomb cells in frames.  They fan the honey with their wings to make it stickier, then they seal the cell with a wax lid to keep the honey clean and safe. 

Bees make honey as their main food source for the winter months. Our beekeepers collect some of the frames that are full of honey from the hive, but they always leave plenty of honey for the bees.  We only take the excess honey so that the bees have enough to eat during the winter. Above all, we are careful that no bees are harmed in the process.