Award-winning, Socially conscious Organic Honey


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November 23, 2023 1 min read

We will be showcasing highlights of some of the amazing women who have helped shape our business. First up is Michelle, who was instrumental in developing our go-to-market strategy. Read her reflections on working with Kendake Honey.

"Over the summer, I was searching for opportunities where I could empower a change-maker driven by a bold mission. I was introduced to Chi Okafor and her bold mission to empower African female farmers through Kendake Honey. I immediately felt a strong connection to her story and her mission because my Grandfather supported our family’s livelihood by harvesting and growing his own raw honey— Flor del Monte. 

Empowering Kendake Honey by helping develop its go-to-market strategy for the UK market has been both a rewarding professional experience and a meaningful contribution to the company’s own mission in empoweringAfrican female farmers to provide a livelihood for their families as my Grandfather did for ours".